The Bandwagon Girl

Your favorite basic bih is back in the blogging game.  What do I mean by basic? Well, I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a proud soft pants, Uggs-wearing, avocado toast-eating, Pumpkin Spice Latte in Fall-drinking, cross stitching while bitching and blogging millennial woman.

And what do I mean by being back in the blogging game? You fell in love with me while I fell in love with guys while writing  But, falling in love is heartbreaking, so that subject (while fun for you to read) was not sustainable for me to do.  I drove you to laughter while driving for Lyft and Uber with my blog on Tumblr, but let’s be honest, my fear of someone vomiting in my car was debilitating.  Side Note: I did find out that they charge $150 for a stage-4 cleaning “accident,” but not while I was driving. (That story is not important and I will save it for a rainy day that will never come)

The reason I’ve decided to start is because I’ve been an early adoptor my whole life, and love all the things.  All the things you ask? Well, some subjects that I will be blogging about in the upcoming months are…

  • Whole30
  • The Milwaukee Public Market
  • Milwaukee Restaurants
  • *Insert Weird Activity No One Has Tried Yet Here*
  • Amtrak Travel Tips
  • Flipping Houses for Normal People
  • Workout Places/Classes
  • *Insert Topic my Friend [you] Tells Me To Write About Here*

Basically, anything I feel serious FOMO about or feel that you would feel FOMO about.

Why “The Bandwagon Girl,” and what makes me qualified you ask?  Well, let me tell you this. I have my BCL (Bandwagon Commercial License) and really enjoy driving bandwagons.  If I’m not driving, I’m in the passenger seat or one of the first ones on. I’ve never met a bandwagon I didn’t chase and catch or find myself dragging behind the bumper on its way out of town. Here are some examples of some of my major bandwagon milestones:

  • I was the first person to ever get a Gel Manicure. (Actual footage of me as a child getting the first Gel Manicure)
  • I renovated a house before anyone knew who Joanna Gaines was.
  • I did Whole 30 ONLY because someone I thought was cool did it, and I wanted her to think I was cool too.
  • My friend Mark Zuckerburg called me and asked for my help in making a certain social media website popular.  (For legal and confidentiality reasons, I’m not able to tell you which specific site it is. Let’s just say that over a billion of my friends, friends’ friends, and friends’ friends’ friends use it.)
  • I rented out a room in my house on Airbnb because I liked the idea.  Before it was mainstream. Before the million dollar insurance policy.  Before they professionally photographed rooms/houses. Yes, back then.
  • I was one of the first Lyft drivers in 2014. I had a very good well paying job at the time.  No free time. Didn’t need the money. Just liked the concept and liked making new friends.

I’m looking forward to driving down this road with you all.  Share this with your friends. Give me your feedback and ideas.  Let’s be early adopters together!




6 thoughts on “The Bandwagon Girl

  1. What’s FOMO? Also I dispute the notion that you are a Millinial based on the facts that you make good money, owned several homes and paid for your own dental work. ?

    1. FOMO: Fear of missing out

      I’m fine admitting I’m a millennial now that Gen Z is here. I do share some millennial traits: impatience, entitlement, etc 🙂

  2. As someone who really enjoyed your previous one, I am very excited for this blog! I love your voice, writing style, as well as your hilarious and adventurous take on life!

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